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Интернациональные издания

CEDAM International

"CEDAM International is a unique, not-for-profit organization founded in 1967. It is devoted to Conservation, Education, Diving, Awareness and Marine-research. For years, CEDAM has mobilized diving expeditions and made significant contributions to the fields of marine biology and marine/terrestrial archeology. Today, it is one of the most respected organizations in the diving community. CEDAM International is dedicated to the understanding, protection and preservation of the world's marine resources. Through our expeditions, CEDAM International volunteer divers actively participate in scientific research and conservation-oriented education projects. The results of our findings and efforts are disseminated to both the scientific and lay communities."




UK. DIVER Magazine, 55 High Street, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 8HA, England, tel (+44) 020 8943 4288, fax (+44) 020 8943 4312. "The Diver Group of Companies covers a wide spectrum of activities connected with scuba diving and the underwater industry and is uniquely influential in the entire field. DIVER is Britian's no.1 diving magazine, outselling all its competitors put together, at bookstalls and by direct subscription. It covers every aspect of the sport, especially in the realms of gear testing and surveys, diving holiday destinations, and advances in technology and techniques." Журнал on-line, есть подписка. Новости, технология, оборудование, кораблекрушения, родственные ресурсы.

H.M. Nautical Almanac Office

"HMNAO is a part of the Space Science and Technology Department at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory". Астрономия для мореплавателей - публикации on-line.

Journal for Maritime Research (JMR)

UK. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, SE10 9NF. "Welcome to JMR, the first electronic journal in the field of maritime research. From contemporary issues to the political, economic, cultural and social aspects of maritime history, JMR publishes innovative, multi-disciplinary research on maritime subjects". Резюме и тексты, подписка (платная).

Traditional Boats & Tall Ships

UK. Poundbury Publishing Ltd, Agriculture House, Acland Road, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1EF. "Traditional Boats and Tall Ships is an all-colour, bi-monthly magazine that deals with all aspects of the present-day world of tall ships and sail training on a worldwide basis". Содержание номеров, платная подписка.


Archäologie unter Wasser

"Archäologie unter Wasser, 1. Forschungen und Berichte zur Unterwasserarchäologie zwischen Alpenrand-Seen und Nordmeer. Archäologische Informationen aus Baden-Württemberg, Vol. 33 (1995), ISBN 3-927714-29-1." Небольшая информационная страничка.

Unterwasserarchäologie in Baden-Württemberg

Archäologie unter Wasser, 1. Forschungen und Berichte zur Unterwasserarchäologie zwischen Alpenrand-Seen und Nordmeer. Archäologische Informationen aus Baden-Württemberg, Heft 33 (1995). Выборочно статьи on-line.


Nurkowanie Online

Poland. Журнал на польск. яз.




"Welcome to Aquanaut, the Internet's first and largest online magazine dedicated to the recreational and technical SCUBA diving community. Aquanaut has been online since February 1993. Prior to use of WWW technology, Aquanaut used a Gopher server for several months to bring you a simple text and graphic magazine. We added WWW in late 1993 and dropped the Gopher service in mid-1994. In July 1996, we created AquaCrawler: our own Web Crawler tool. AquaCrawler maintains a database of links to thousands of other Web sites containg SCUBA information". Журнал on-line и поисковая машина.

Aucilla River Times Newsletter

С №1за 1996 г. - резюме и статьи on-line.

Historical Diver Magazine

USA. "Historical DiverMagazine is the official publication of the HDSUSA,DHS Australia and Southeast Asia, HDS Canada, HDS Germany and HDS Mexico. In it you will find an array of articles covering such topics as equipment development, diving pioneers, book reviews, diving helmets, auction reports, U.S. Navy Experimental Diving Unit equipment, developments in underwater photography, news from other societies and affiliates around the world, limited-edition items, fund-raising prizes, and much more". Содержание Вып.ов с 1992 г., заказ номеров (платный).

MarineLog.com magazine

USA. Marine Log, 345 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014. Новости, обзоры Вып.ов, подписка (платная).

Sea History

USA. "Sea History Magazine" is published quarterly (4 times per year) and carries stories on ships and the sea both past and present. Each issue features: Marine Art, Model Building, Letters to the Editor, News from the Waterfronts, the Museums, Reviews of Maritime Books, Music and Videos." Небольшая информационная страничка.

Society for the History of Discoveries

"Founded in 1960, the Society for the History of Discoveries aims "to stimulate interest in teaching, research, and publishing the history of geographical exploration" with activities encompassing "the discovery, exploration, and mapping of the earth's land and sea surface". In addition to membership information, the site includes details of the Society's annual journal of research papers and book reviews, Terrae Incognitae. It is possible to view the contents of the forthcoming issue, and for the years 1969-2000 an author index is available while a subject index covers the years 1969-1996. The site also includes: details of annual meetings; links to related sites; and information on the annual prize for an essay on voyages, history of exploration, navigation, nautical travels, maritime history and geographical discovery."


USA. 612 Third Street Suite 3C, Annapolis, MD 21403, (410) 216-9309. "SpinSheet is an Annapolis-based company founded in the summer of 1995 by two active Chesapeake Bay sailors, Mary Ewenson and Dave Gendell. This web destination is designed by, for, and about Chesapeake Bay Sailors". Статьи on-line.

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