Библиотеки и библиографияВы находитесь: Археология.PУ / Подводная археологияВ этом разделе: Обзоры | Законодательство и охрана памятников | Оборудование | Исследовательские проекты и центры | Музеи | Корабли и кораблекрушения | Учебные центры | Дайвинг | Библиотеки и библиография | Периодика | Публикации БиблиотекиЕдиная Интернет-библиотека о подводном плаванииНекоммерческий проект на сайте www.SCUBADIVING.RU. Статьи on-line. G.W. Blunt White LibraryUSA, P.O. Box 6000, Mystic, CT 06355, Telephone (860) 572-5367, Fax (860) 572-5394. The library contains some 60,000 volumes and a large manuscripts and maps collection. They also have a Union List of Logbooks and Journals, showing holdings across the country of logs and journals by ship name. Библиотечный каталог on-line. Maritime History ArchiveCanada. Maritime History Archive, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NF, A1C 5S7, Phone 709-737-8428/9, Fax 709-737-3123 "The Maritime History Archive collects and preserves original documents and copies of documents relating to the history of sea based activities in the north Atlantic regionю The archive is located in the Henrietta Harvey (Mathematics) building on the campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, Newfoundland." Библиотечный каталог on-line. NOAA Historical Map and Chart Collection"This database of historical charts is maintained by NOAA. It contains a wealth of information, including old nautical charts of river systems and offshore locales. Most of these date from the 19th century through the 20th century. The website can be sorted by state/region, or type. The maps can be viewed with a www browser or Скачатьed in a high-resolution TIFF format." Огромное собрание карт. Publications and Professional PapersUSA. Department of hte Navy - Naval Historical Center 805 Kidder Breese SE - Washington Navy Yard, Washington DC 20374-5060. - Список публикаций on-line. Research LibraryUSA, The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia. "The library contains about 78,000 volumes, over half a million photographs, over a million manuscript items, and a significant Chris-Craft collection". Библиотечный каталог on-line. Услуги платные. БиблиографияHamilton D.L. History of wooden shipbuilding"The bibliographies have been compiled by a student on the Texas A&M University Nautical Archaeology Programme." Библиографический список. Nautical Bibliographies"This bibliography has been compiled by staff at the Nautical Archaeology Program, Texas A&M University. It contains journal articles and books about classical seafaring and is arranged by broad subject headings. Some of the subjects include Protogeometric and Geometric Ships, Etruscan seafaring, the Bon Porte Wreck, Punic ship discovery near Marsala, the Porticello shipwreck, triremes, modern replicas, Hanno, the Phoenician Fleet, and the Kyrenia Ship." Publications and Professional PapersUSA. Department of hte Navy - Naval Historical Center 805 Kidder Breese SE - Washington Navy Yard, Washington DC 20374-5060. - Список публикаций on-line. Research LibraryUSA, The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia. "The library contains about 78,000 volumes, over half a million photographs, over a million manuscript items, and a significant Chris-Craft collection". Библиотечный каталог on-line. Услуги платные.
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