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American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA)

"The American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA) was incorporated in March,1995, to serve the needs of the cultural resources industry. The cultural resources industry in the United States is estimated to be made up of over 500 firms employing over 10,000 people working in a wide variety of fields, including historic preservation, history, archaeology, architectural history, historical architecture, and landscape architecture."

Archaeological Research Resources

Американская "историческая археология" - памятники последних нескольких веков. Список ресурсов по рубрикам.

Archaeological Sites of the Southwest

"This is a catalog of prehistoric archaeological sites in the "Four-Corners" states (Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico) of the American Southwest that are on public land and are legally open to visitation."

Caribbean Archaeology Program at the Florida Museum of Natural History

"The Caribbean Archaeology Program at the Florida Museum of Natural History has four main components: Field Research, Collections, the Bullen Bibliography of Caribbean Archaeology, and Public Education. Click on the Introduction, then explore these fascinating topics in archaeology and science below."

Casa Grande Ruins National Monument*

"Casa Grande Ruins National Monument preserves an ancient Hohokam farming community and "Great House." Created as the nation’s first archeological reserve in 1892, the site was declared a National Monument in 1918 in order that better provision may be made for the protection, preservation and care of the ruins and the ancient buildings and other objects of prehistoric interest thereon."

Chaco Culture National Historical Park*

"Chaco Canyon was a major center of Puebloan culture between AD 850 and 1250. The Chacoan sites are part of the homeland of Pueblo Indian peoples of New Mexico, the Hopi Indians of Arizona, and the Navajo Indians of the Southwest." Пуэбло и культура Чако

Indigenous Peoples

"Studies of indigenous peoples of the world are crucial to understanding our collective past - and being better prepared for our future." Список ресурсов с аннотациями.

Internet Resources for Archaeologists

Список интернет-ресурсов по археологическим памятникам штата Орегон.

Kennewick Man

Список ресурсов с аннотациями.

Mesa Verde National Park*

"Mesa Verde, Spanish for green table, offers a spectacular look into the lives of the Ancestral Pueblo people who made it their home for over 700 years, from A.D. 600 to A.D. 1300. Today, the park protects over 4,000 known archeological sites, including 600 cliff dwellings. These sites are some of the most notable and best preserved in the United States."

Mississippian and Hopewell Archaeology

"Archaeological sites and studies of the southeastern cult of late prehistoric North America, including Hopewell, Mississippian, Caddoan and other middle North American societies." Список ресурсов с аннотациями.

Moche Culture Archaeology

"Archaeological sites and studies of the ancient Moche culture of South America." Список ресурсов с аннотациями.

Oklahoma Archeological Survey

Сотрудники, проекты, полевые школы, родственные ресурсы.

Parkin Archeological State Park

"The Parkin Site is a 17-acre Native American village located on the St. Francis River in Arkansas. It was occupied as early as A.D. 1000 until at least 1550, and is the best-preserved village site of this time period in the region. The Parkin site is also important because many scholars believe it to be the Native American village of Casqui, visited by Hernando de Soto's expedition in the summer of 1541. The park was established in 1967 with funding from the state legislature and help from the Archeological Conservancy."

Prehistory of Alaska

"This page serves as the index page for a series of documents that provide an OVERVIEW of the prehistory of Alaska and for another set of documents that briefly describe the cultural resources (archaeology, history, ethnography) in each national park and preserve in the state."

Repatriation and NAGPRA

"Legislation concerning the treatment of the human dead has been passed, with wide-reaching implications for archaeologists." Список ресурсов с аннотациями.

Section 106 Guidelines and Links

"The main protection archaeological sites have against the encroachment of federally-funded programs in the United States is called Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act." Список ресурсов с аннотациями.

Tennessee Archaeology Network

"The Tennessee Archaeology Network was established in 1996 to promote and publicize the contributions and significance of archaeological research in the state of Tennessee."

Turtle Mountain online exhibit

"How strange it was that the settlers, my own people on both sides, too, could not see what was there all over the prairie. They’d used the stones to build dams and for foundations for their buildings, they’d picked them so they could farm - “The circles always went first,” Peter said, “because they were so easy to see.” - and yet, even knowing what they were doing, they didn’t see. Beyond seeing, there was recognizing. I couldn’t find a better word for what I meant; that a lot of people had lived here for a very long time, that they were not “picking rock” so they could farm, that they were dismantling the remains of a civilization. Every stone freighted with tears, with the weight of grief, they should have been too heavy to lift." Interpretation of the work of John Eddy in southwestern Manitoba.


Alex L.M. Iowa's Archaeological Past

// 2000. University of Iowa Press, Iowa City. ISBN 0-87745-681-X (paper). 243 pages, plus 69 pages of a glossary and references, and an index.

Braun E.K., Braun D.P. First Peoples of the Northeast

// 1994. Moccasin Hill Press, Lincoln, Massachusetts. ISBN 0-9651476-0-6 (paper). 106 pages, plus two appendices, 5 pages of references, and an index.

Dixon E.J. Bones, Boats, and Bison. Archeology and the first colonization of western North America

// 1999. University of New Mexico Press. ISBN: 0826321380.

Gibson J.L. Place of Rings: The Ancient Mounds of Poverty Point

// 2000. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. ISBN 0-8130-1833-1.

Hall R.L. Archaeology of the Soul. North American Indian Belief and Ritual

// 1997. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. ISBN 0-252-02299-8 (acid-free paper). 171 pages, plus 40 pages of notes and references, and an index. "Until about five years after I got my Master's degree, I couldn't tell people I was an archaeologist; well, not with a straight face. The reason I was shy about admitting my profession was the same reason I was drawn to the field: its eclecticism. To be a good archaeologist, you need to understand the rudiments of biology, chemistry, agronomy, politics, ethnology, physics - indeed, you need to know a little bit about everything that people do or have ever done. A great archaeologist can put all the pieces together into a coherent story - because, finally, that's we are. Story tellers."

Kehoe A.B. The Land of Prehistory. A critical history of North American archaeology


Lekson St.H. Chaco Meridian: Centers of Political Power

// 1999 Altamira Press, Walnut Creek. ISBN 0-7619-91801-6, alkaline paper. 174 pp; 2 appendices, a bibliography and an index. "Stephen Lekson's provocative and challenging new book takes pieces of the puzzle of the American southwest and reassembles them into a straight line; one connecting the sites of Chaco Canyon, Aztec Ruin and Paquime or Casas Grandes."

McEwan B.G. (Ed.) Indians of the Greater Southeast

// 2000. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. ISBN 0-8130-1778-5 (hardback, alkaline paper). 317 pages, plus an index. References provided with separate chapters. "The Indians of the Greater Southeast is a collection of papers on Native American groups living from Florida to Texas during the first years of the European colonization of the American continent. Each chapter is written by a different author, but the coherent totality of the book is an educational exploration of the cultures of the southeastern peoples, as described from historic documents, oral tradition and archaeological evidence."

Nassaney M.S., Johnson E.S. (Ed.) Interpretations of Native North American Life

// 2000. University Press of Florida and the Society for Historical Archaeology, Gainesville. ISBN 0-8130-1783-1 cloth, alkaline paper. 431 pp; a bibliography and an index. "This new collection of articles brings together the techniques and data from the studies of ethnohistory and archaeology to assist in the interpretation of past cultures of the North American continent."

Reid J., Whittlesey St. Grasshopper Pueblo: A Story of Archaeology and Ancient Life

// 1999. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. ISBN 0-8165-1913-7 (paper). 172 pages, plus 4 pages of references, and an index. "The site of Grasshopper Pueblo was the home of the Mogollon people for the latter half of the 13th and the first half of the 14th centuries AD; and the home of an archaeological crew for the better part of 30 summers. Reid and Whittlesley interweave the two human occupations of this beautiful austere place in the mountain country of central Arizona, in an entertaining and illuminating manner."

Salzer R.J., Rajnovich Gr. Gottschall Rockshelter. An archaeological mystery

// 2000. Prairie Smoke Press, St. Paul, Minnesota. ISBN 0-9704482-0-1. paper. 74 pp; two appendices, and a bibliography. "There's a standing joke in archaeology; if you don't understand it, it must be ceremonial. However, it is undeniable that Gottschall Rockshelter, a cave located in the upper Mississippi River watershed of southwestern Wisconsin, is a religious shrine to an ancestor cult, and that it was used in this manner (with some interruptions, apparently) beginning about 300 AD up until the early 19th century."

Stocker T., Otis Charlton C.L. (Еd.) New World Figurine Project, Vol. 2

// Research Press at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. ISBN 0-934893-10-1 (alkaline paper). 288 pp; 12 chapters and an introduction; bibliography for each chapter. "The New World Figurine Project is the brainchild of Terry Stocker, who in the mid-1980s began to collect articles - new and classic - on ceramic figurines of North, Central and South America. Stocker's idea was to publish a comparative cross-section of articles throughout the New World; and he found a ready group of specialists to assist him. The first volume was published in 1991, and it contained articles on figurines from the United States, Mexico, El Salvador, Bolivia, and Peru. This volume, new this year, contains a dozen papers, including three classics and nine new articles."

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