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Список ресурсов с аннотациями. Aztec CalendarАцтеКиевский календарь. Made Up of Time: The Mayan Ruins of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize & HondurasMark Leger. "The Maya, sons of the days, are made up of time," Eduardo Galleano recently wrote. He was referring to two things: their brilliant traditional calendars, products of astronomical knowledge until recently unrivaled by any other culture. And the Mayan ability to endure. The Mayan ruins of central America are from cities that fell into decline long before Columbus. But many of the traditions reflected in the architecture and art from these sites live on in the modern Mayan world." Maya ArchaeologyFoundation for Latin American Anthropological Research (FLAAR). "Maya-archaeology.org covers Mayan, Olmec, Teotihuacan art, architecture, deities, hieroglyphic writing and the latest digital photography, 35mm film and flatbed scanner technology for recording the artifacts and pyramid-temple and palace architectural remains of these fascinating ancient civilizations." Mayan Epigraphic Database Project"The Mayan Epigraphic Database Project (MED) is an experiment in networked scholarship with the purpose of enhancing Classic Mayan epigraphic research. At present, MED consists of a relational database of glyphs ("gnumbers"), images, phonetic values ("pvalues"), and semantic values ("svalues") according to the consensus among various American Mayanists (MacLeod and Reents-Budet 1994). Also present is the beginning of an archive of digitally transcribed Mayan texts." Mayan Photo Adventures"Hello, welcome to Maya Photo Adventures. My name is John C. Mureiko and the Maya webpages I have put together are a reflection of my travels around the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. A great way for me to start my traveling adventures was to visit the Maya Ruins of Chichen Itza with my camera at my side." Mesoamerican Photo Archive"Welcome to Mesoamerican Photo Archives, owned and maintained by David R. Hixson, a graduate student in Tulane University's Department of Anthropology. The purpose of this web site is to educate and stimulate the public with both accurate information and beautiful photographs of Mesoamerican archaeology. Within these photo galleries, you will find full-color photographs of archaeological sites and museums from all over Mexico, complete with detailed captions." Mesoweb"Welcome to Mesoweb, an exploration of Mesoamerican cultures. This site is maintained as a public service by Joel Skidmore of Fleet Gazelle, with Jorge Pérez de Lara and Mark Van Stone. Mesoweb is proud to host the Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute." Портал. Thresholds. Photographs from Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala"My search for realization of vision has taken many turns during my lifetime. These turns have been the result of a combination of survival instincts and desire for expression. The secret always seemed to be in discovering a voice that came directly out of my experience. As a child I kept trying to find a way to fit in with the world around me, but that world wasn't the one I knew and lived in. My world was a landscape of metaphor, symbol and myth." ПубликацииHenderson J.S. The World of the Ancient Maya// 1997. Cornell University Press, ISBN 0-8014-8284-4 (paper). 268 pages, plus 61 pages of notes, references, and an index. Inomata T., Houston St. Royal Court of the Ancient Maya. Vol.I: Theories, Themes & Comparisons// 2001. Westview Press, Boulder Colorado. ISBN 0-8133-3640-6. paper. 277 pp in nine chapters; bibliographies for each chapter and an index. Schaafsma C.F., Riley C.L. Casas Grandes World// 1999. The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. ISBN 0-87480-595-3 (hardback). 249 pages, plus 29 pages of references, and an index. "This book is a collection of articles, resulting from a 1995 symposium of 25 or more researchers, under the theme "The Casas Grandes Interaction Sphere: Origins, Nature, contacts, and Legacy." The majority of the book reproduces these papers, organized in three packets: the Core Area, the Outer Sphere, and the Larger View. Each chapter presents the research of an author or group of authors. Topics discussed include studies of the various sites determined to have been part of the Casas Grandes hegemony; descriptions of Mimbres sites that may have had interaction with Casas Grandes, and special studies of structural features, artifact types and symbols."
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