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Эпоха бронзы: Исследовательские проекты и центры

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European Cultural Paths

// Co-operation between five regional archaeological projects in Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Norway, and Sweden, focusing on the Nordic Bronze Age and funded by the EU.

Gräberlandschaften der Bronzezeit

// International congress at the LWL-Museum für Archäologie in Herne (including agenda as pdf file in German, English and French).

NAVIS I project

// Database of 150 European ship finds up to AD 1200 (German and English).

NAVIS II project

// Database of ancient ship depictions up to AD 1200.

POTNIA. Deities and Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age

// Proceedings of the 8th International Aegean Conference Göteborg, Göteborg University, 12-15 April 2000. Aegaeum 22 (pdf files).


// A multilingual picture database to the graves of bronze and iron age elites in Europe, approx. 2400/2300-480/450 B.C. Sveral search options and vast bibliography. A multilateral project funded by the European Commision


Поселение Аркаим

ЧелГУ. Специализированный природно-ландшафтный и историко-археологический центр. Описание, история раскопок с илл. Информационная страничка.


// A DAI research project at one of the most important findspots for LBA - EIA transition in the woodlands of Western Siberia


// A DAI research project at burial site in Western Siberia with focus on EBA - MBA transition


Археология и этнография Абхазии

"Целью сайта является информирование широкой общественности о последних открытиях в области археологии и этнографии Абхазии и всего Западного Кавказа, обобщение всего того, что было наработано в этих областях науки многими поколениями российских, абхазских и грузинских ученых. Мы понимаем, что, начиная предлагаемый Вашему вниманию проект, находимся только в самом начале этого пути. Считаем, что такая работа крайне важна именно сейчас, когда все страны СНГ захлестнул вал антинаучных спекуляций, делающих, нередко, историю служанкой политики. Неотложной необходимостью стало объединение усилий академической науки различных стран в изучении истории Западного Кавказа.
Научные интересы создателей сайта связаны, в первую очередь, с археологией Кавказа эпохи поздней бронзы - раннего железа и с традиционной культурой и религией абхазов. Этим вопросам и будет уделено основное внимание на нашем сайте. Исследования по археологии будут размещены в разделе "Статьи", в разделе "Библиография" можно будет найти список основной лит-ры по археологии Абхазии и прилегающих регионов Кавказа, в разделе "Этнография" можно будет найти монографии и статьи по этнографии Абхазии." Археология, экспедиции, источники, статьи on-line, библиография.

Мир мегалитов

Каталог дольменов Северного Причерноморья, теории, публикации, фотографии, карты месторасположения.


Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 1998

// Several contributions of different researchers in Forum Archaeologiae 8 / IX / 98


// Society for Rock Art and Settlement in the Alps. Includes texts about Bronze Age alpine settlements and a ritual site at the Sölkpass

Bronzehort Moosbruckschrofen

// Short description of a hoard including a fragment of one of the earliest metal helmets in Europe

Forschungen zur Urgeschichte im Paltental/Österreich

// Project of the University of Heidelberg lead by H. Preßlinger

Magnetically prospected sites

// Results from Herzogbirbaum, Unterhautzenthal, Oberrussbach und Traboch (English)



// Studies of a lakeside settlement in Southern Albania


Bulgaria dig suggests rich past

// Archaeologists in Bulgaria say they have found hundreds of tiny gold jewels, BBC news 22/10/2004


A timber structure at Holme-next-the-Sea, Norfolk

// Investigation of the so-called "Seahenge" by the Norfolk Archaeological Unit

Bournemouth University

// Online-Publications incl. Knowlton Henge Complex, Cranborne Chase and Wolstonbury Enclosures and Billown Neolithic Landscape Project (including Bronze Age finds)

Bronze Age Craft

// Workshops and courses in the UK covering aspects of prehistoric materials and the technology to work them

Bronze aged mining at Mynydd Parys

// Information about the prehistoric Parys mountain copper mines

Ferriby Boats

// This web site details the discoveries of three Bronze Age Boats at North Ferriby in East Yorkshire

Flag Fen

// Information about the waterlogged site near Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

Late Bronze Age and Iron Age village below Cadbury Castle, Somerset

// British Archaeology. - 35. - 1998. Fortified settlement and landscape, incl. EBA

Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilisations: Archaeological, Geological and Astronomical Perspectives

// A conference organised by The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies and held at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 11th-13th July 1997. Includes abstracts of contributions

SAIR Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports

// Includes many extensive contributions to the Bronze Age (pdf files)

The British Bronze Age

// Information on chronology, settlements and graves, copper alloys

The Dover Bronze Age Boat

// Extensive page of the Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust about the 1992 find

Wessex Archaeology

// Projekte zur Bronzezeit, u.a. Amesbury Archer, Testwood Lakes, Boscombe Bowmen und mehr

Wiltshire Barrows

// Short description of the different barrow complexes (incl. list)

Wiltshire Heritage Museum

// Virtual presentation of Bronze Age finds including Bush Barrow and Upton Lovell

Windows on the Past

// A review of the first 20 years of discovery by Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust in Wales


Budapesti Történeti Múzeum

// Prehistoric part of the Archaeological Exhibition of Budapest History Museum

Velem Szent-Vid

// Commercial page for a CD-ROM, examples of pictures esp. of LBA objects, bibliography and more


Ancient sky map or fake? German experts row over star disc

// The Guardian March 1, 2005

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bronzezeit der deutschen Verbände für Archäologie

// Bronze Age Workshops of the German Archaeological associations, including abstracts of the annual meetings

Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Niedererlbach 1980-2001

// Internet presentation accompanying an exhibition in 2002, organised by the Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

Archäologischer Verein im Landkreis Freising e.V.

// General overview with detailed descriptions of finds and findspots

Astronomische Interpretation der Himmelsscheibe

// Several articles

Bronzedepot vom Lebuser Schlossberg (Märkisch-Oderland)

// News article about a Late Bronze Age hoard containing 105 pieces, 03.09.2003

Bronzezeithof Uelsen

// Reconstructed bronze age house

Das Brandgräberfeld von Wehrheim/Ts.

// Thorough publication of the excavations in a cemetary of the Late Bronze Age, by the Archäologie-AG Usingen

Der Aufbruch zu neuen Horizonten. Die Funde von Nebra, Sachsen-Anhalt, und ihre Bedeutung für die Bronzezeit Europas

// A research project supported by the DFG

Der geschmiedete Himmel

// Presentation of the so-called "Himmelsscheibe von Nebra". Exhibition at the Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle from 15/10/04 until 24/05/05

Der Schatz des bronzezeitlichen Farbenhändlers

// Analysis of ochre pieces found in a settlement pit in Niederröblingen, Saxony-Anhalt


// Information about the prehistory in this municipality, especially about Late Bronze Age burials

Eimerdeckel oder Sensationsfund?

// Interviews at DeutschlandRadio Berlin (including audio-file mp3/ra)

Ein bronzezeitliches Kindergrab

// An Early Bronze Age child burial from Salzmünde-Schiepzig, Saxony-Anhalt

Ein Meisterwerk prähistorischer Zimmermannstechnik

// Wooden Bronze Age well near Güsten, Sachsen-Anhalt

Excavations during the road construction of the new B6 in Saxony-Anhalt

// Bronze Age finds, including a remarkable double inhumation

Förderverein Bronzezeithaus Hahnenknoop e.V.

// A bronze age settlement at the Hahnenknooper Mühle (Rodenkirchen, county Wesermarsch) with a reconstruction of one of the houses

Goldene Zeichen - Kult und Macht in der Bronzezeit

// Exhibition at the Historisches Museum der Pfalz (Speyer) from 08/05/05 until 11/09/05

Handel und Wandel

// The bronze age in the state museum of Lower Saxony at Hanover

Himmelsscheibe von Nebra

// Official website of the Förderverein Himmelsscheibe von Nebra e.V.

Ipf bei Bopfingen

// Fortified settlement of LBA to Late Iron Age (English)

Kelheimer Tonpfeife

// Bronze age find oldest hashish pipe in the world?


// Find of skeletons and bronze ornaments in a cave. Landkreis Osterode am Harz

Paläoökologisch - archäologische Forschungen in und um Höhenbefestigungen als Zentren temporärer Herrschaftsbildung während der jüngeren Bronzezeit (spätes 2. und frühes 1. Jts. v.Chr.)

// Part of the graduate research project "Palaeo-Ecosystem and History" at the University Regensburg, incl. Bogenberg near Straubing/Bogen and Schloßberg at Kallmünz

Reaching for the stars

// How Europe's elites amounted wealth and power. International Symposium Halle/Saale


// A fortified hilltop settlement of the late Bronze Age near Kinding/Enkering in Bavaria

Töpfe ohne Boden

// Bronze age ceramics, used for well-building near Güsten, Saxony-Anhalt


// The addendum to the celtic chieftain's grave contains an attempt to reconstruct the find history of a LBA necklace consisting of golden "sun discs"


Archäologische Forschungen in Tiryns

// Description of a project of the University Heidelberg, directed by J. Maran


// Excavation at the Bronze and Iron Age site of Assiros Toumba in Central Macedonia conducted by K.A. Wardle between 1975 and 1989

Athletic events in prehistory

// Including articles about Minoan Crete and Mycenean Greece

Bronze Age Greece

// An internet presentation with subdivisions Minoan Crete, Greek Mainland and Aegaean Islands by the Foundation of the Hellenic World


// A searchable bibliography of the Bronze Age archaeology of mainland Greece and Crete

Desde la llegada de los indoeuropeos hasta el siglo XII a. C.: Mito e historia

// From the arrival of the Indo-Europeans to the 12th century B.C. in the Aegean: Myth and history

Dokos Cargo site

// The cargo of one or more Early Helladic ships

Greece in the Bronze Age

// Page of the Lake Forest College (Illinois). Information about the Cycladic Culture, the Minoan and Mycenaean Civilizations, including several pictures an a bibliography


// Excavation results of a Bronze Age settlement in central Euboea

Keramikproduktion und -distribution

// Analysis of pottery production and distribution, University Heidelberg


// Virtual tours of ancient Greek archaeological sites (Quicktime VR), including e.g. Mycenae, Pylos, Tiryns, Vaphio, Mallia, Phaistos, Zakros and Troy

Minoan Peak Sanctuaries

// Part of the project "A Topography of Power. Towns, Sanctuaries and Territories on Bronze Age Crete", Institute of Mediterranean Studies (English and Greek, including pdf files)

Mochlos Archaeological Project

// Excavations of the settlements and burial sites of Mochlos, East Crete, by the University of North Carolina at Greensboro


// Online-Bibliography for Aegean prehistory, University of Cincinnati


// Excavation results of a Bronze Age settlement on the eastern coast of Crete

Santorin, une "Pompei prehistorique"

// Article about the destruction of Santorin, Université de Bourgogne

Wall-paintings of Thera

// International symposium, abstracts


Zischow A. Die bronzezeitlichen Fundplätze des Tsalka-Plateaus in Trialeti/Georgien im Kontext der Bronzezeit Transkaukasiens

// An account of all published Bronze Age sites from the plain of Tsalka in Southern Georgia. Complete MA thesis, University of Tübingen (pdf file German, includes short English summary)



// Overview of the Bronze age on Bornholm


// Bronze age rock art from Bornholm


Arts & Crafts

// Presentation of some objects of the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin

Bronze Age Ireland

// General information

Irish Archaeological Sites

// Short guide to monuments of all periods

Irish National Heritage Park, Wexford

// Chapter on the Bronze Age


// Text summary about the Bronze Age in Ulster, 1 picture


Galicia en la prehistoria: La Edad del Bronce

// Information about Galicia during the Bronze Age, including a short bibliography


Archäologische und geophysikalische Untersuchungen im Bereich der bronzezeitlichen (Brandopferplatz) und römischen (Heiligtum) Fundstelle "Burgstall" auf dem Schlern (Südtirol, Italien)

// Archaeological and geophysical examinations at the Bronze Age sacrifice site "Burgstall" (Schlern) in South Tyrol. A project of the University of Mainz

Lavagnone di Desenzano del Garda

// A bronze age settlement - research project by the Università degli Studi di Milano


Politiko Phorades

// A Late Bronze Age copper smelting site on Cyprus, part of the Sydney Cyprus Survey Project


Haarlem in de bronstijd

// Information about the Bronze Age by the Archeologische Werkgroep Haarlem



The End of the Trzciniec-Komarov complex - The formation of a new cultural reality in the Middle and Younger Bronze Age

// Beiträge der archäologischen Konferenz Zamosc 07-09.12.1998, Zusammenfassungen



Romanian Journal of Archaeology

// Including the articles "Observations concerning the bronze Age cemetery of Pietroasa Mica" by I. Motzoi-Chicideanu and "Problems of the late Otomanic Culture in Transsylvania"



Fidvár near Vráble

// Archaeological Investigations at a Central Place of the Early Bronze Age on the Fringes of the Western Carpathians in Slovakia. A project of the University of Würzburg et al.

Untersuchungen zum frühbronzezeitlichen Siedlungswesen am Südwestrand des Slowakischen Erzgebirges

// A project of the DAI lead by K. Rassmann (German, see also the following link)


The Göltepe / Kestel Project

// Investigation of a Bronze Age mining district and an associated town, director of excavations A. Yener

TROIA - Traum und Wirklichkeit

// Exhibition at museums in Stuttgart, Braunschweig and Bonn. - 17/03/2001 - 01/04/2002

Troia and the Troad

// The new excavations of Troy. A project of the University of Tübingen and the University of Cincinnati

Uluburun and Cape Gelidonya

// Underwater excavations of two Bronze Age shipwrecks. By the Institute of Nautical Archaeology, each page with many pictures and a bibliography




// Description of a bronze age burial site belonging to the World Heritage, by The National Board of Antiquities Finland


Aujoulat N., Chevillot Chr. Sculpted Caves

// Tracce. - 9. - 1997. Вronze Age art in the Périgord, Dordogne

Bouby L. Harvesting cereals with bronze sickles in Bronze Age Southern France

// Antiquity. - 77. - No296. - 2003.

Les fouilles archeologiques de Champ du Pont (Saint-Priest/Lyon)

// Excavations ahead of the construction of the Parc Technologique de la Porte des Alpes, including some Bronze Age finds and structures


Birmingham Archaeologists Strike Gold With Major Bronze Age Discovery in Croatia

// Waterlogged late Neolithic/early Bronze Age wooden settlements at the Valley of the River Cetina (pdf file)

Vela Spila

// Finds of the Cetina culture in a cave on the outskirts of the town of Vela Luka on the island of Korcula



Skrea Project

// Analysis of the long term change in settlement pattern and cultural landscape during the period 1200 BC - AD 500 in Halland (SW-Sweden)


Archéologie du lac de Neuchâtel

// Investigations of lakeside settlements, including the LBA site of Corcelettes (mainly bibliographies). Groupe de Recherches en Archéologie Préhistorique, Université de Genève

Die Bronzezeit in Basel

// A short overview

Rätselhafte "Firstziegel"

// Enigmatic roofshaped objects, made of burned clay, from a LBA pit in Reinach, Kanton Baselland


Lang V., Kriiska A., Haak A. A new Early Bronze Age socketed Axe

// Estonian Journal of Archaeology. - 2006. - 10. - 1. dealing with a find from Eesnurga village near Kolga-Jaani (pdf file)

Luik H., Ots M. Bronze Age double buttons in Estonia

// Estonian Journal of Archaeology. - 2007. - 11. - 2 (pdf file)

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