ИндияВы находитесь: Археология.PУ / Подводная археологияВ этом разделе: Обзоры | Австралия | Австрия | Албания | Аргентина | Бельгия | Болгария | Бразилия | Великобритания | Германия | Греция | Дания | Доминиканская республика | Египет | Израиль | Индия | Ирландия | Исландия | Испания | Италия | Канада | Кипр | Киргизия | Китай | Колумбия | Коста-Рика | Латвия | Литва | Малайзия | Мексика | Нидерланды | Новая Зеландия | Норвегия | Оман | Пакистан | Панама | Перу | Польша | Португалия | Россия | Румыния | США | Таиланд | Тунис | Турция | Украина | Уругвай | Финляндия | Франция | Хорватия | Швейцария | Швеция | Эстония | ЮАР | Ямайка | Япония ОбзорыIndian Navy"The Indian Navy site is part of the official website of the Indian Armed Forces. The site includes links to the maritime history of India before Alexander the Great, and the development of the Navy through the British East India Company, World War I, and World War II, to Independence. The site also includes images and descriptions of vessels, ranks, flags, uniforms, recent major operations, awards, and links to the Naval Hydrographic Department, and involvement in UN peace-keeping." ПубликацииRao S.R. The Lost City of Dvaraka1999. Аннотация. Siriweera W.I. Ports in Ancient Sri Lanka"Sri Lanka has been a centre of transit trade from very early days. This brief article includes background information on sea-borne trade of ancient and medieval times, as well as the position of Sri Lanka in early trade routes; the main goods that were traded, and the major ports in the country. It covers the period up until 1815 when the British gained supremacy over the island."
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