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Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum

CFB Esquimalt Naval & Military Museum, PO Box 17000, Stn Forces, Victoria, BC V9A 7N2, Canada. История канадского королевского флота на западном побережье.

Lockmaster's house museum

Ontario, Canada. "After extensive renovations, the museum finally opened in 1982, the 150th anniversary of the Rideau Canal. Since then it has sponsored twelve different exhibits centering around the economic and social life of Chaffey's and in 1992 a permanent exhibit was established on the main floor, depicting the history of the house and Chaffey's Lock". Небольшая информационная страничка.

Mariner's Park Museum

Prince Edward Island, Canada. "South Bay has always been a safe haven for sailing ships when Lake Ontario "blows up". It was therefore fitting that, here at the Museum site in 1967, the top of the False Duck Lighthouse (originally the oldest in Prince Edward County, built in 1829) was reconstructed as a Centennial Project. The original settlement of Marysburgh, 5th Township of Cataraqui, belonged to the United Empire Loyalists arriving in June 1784, but it was maybe Joseph Clapp and his lumber trading that gave rise to the first mill (now known as the Scott Mill) on Black River and hence the village of Milford". Информационная страничка для посетителей.

Maritime Museum of British Columbia

"The Maritime Museum of British Columbia was established in 1954 as a non-profit society. British Columbia's marine history is told from Early Exploration to Captain Cook, Canadian Pacific Steamships and the Royal Navy. The website includes links to the galleries; Exploration, Commerce, Adventure, Passenger Travel, Government Fleets and B.C. Ferries. The website includes exploration pictures of vessels, the role of the Canadian Navy in war, the Vintage Vessel Registry, and links to the Library and ships' plans, l ighthouses, and ship wrecks and other historic sites." Новости, выставки, коллекции.

Naval Museum of Manitoba

Winnipeg, Canada. "The goal of the Naval Museum of Manitoba is to promote the history of Canada's Navy, especially as it pertains to those Manitobans who have served with the Navy. The Naval Museum captures a moment in history, remembering the lifestyle, sense of duty and patriotism of Canadian sailors during times of peace and war. In creating this archive, many Manitobans have served their community by donating artifacts, time and energy to a successful effort". Выставки, морская авиация, знаки, корабли и т.п.

Robert H. Smith's Master Index to North American Maritime Museum Internet Resource

Музеи США и Канады. Список с аннотациями в алфавитном порядке, интерактивная карта, поисковая машина.

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